Welcome to our Virtual Open House
The Broad View United, previously Cadboro Bay United, Church had been a long-time pillar in the Cadboro Bay neighbourhood. In the spring of 2023, the Church made the decision to list the subject property to facilitate the amalgamation of their congregations at the St. Aidan's United location (off of Cedar Hill Cross Road). In May of 2023, Mike Geric Construction (MGC) was the successful purchaser of this property.
We look forward to get to know the neighbourhood better, designing an exceptional redevelopment and building another community that we would be proud to call home ourselves.
Initial Church Construction
Church Addition Renovation
United Church Amalgamation
Sale of the Tyndall Ave Property
May 2023
Sale of Broad View to MGC
July - August 2023
Site Design and Initial Engagement
August 2023
Broad View Relocation
Who is the ArtsCalibre Academy?
MGC is pleased to share that ArtsCalibre will be leasing the property during the rezoning entitlements process.
“ArtsCalibre Academy is a small but highly reputable school whose mandate is to provide an outstanding, Arts-enriched education at an affordable cost. We offer a dynamic and diverse program designed to challenge students academically, while encouraging exploration and development of their creative and other innate talents.”
Cadboro Bay United Church first constructed on the property at 2625 Arbutus Road.
The sanctuary along Arbutus Road was added to the church building.
Cadboro Bay United amalgamated with Gordon Head United in early 2015 as a pastoral outreach to a very senior congregation in need of support.
Broad View United sells the Tyndall Avenue property to pay for renovations to the St. Aidan’s property (located on 3703 St. Aidans Street, Saanich BC).
Broad View United sells the Arbutus Road church property to Mike Geric Construction.
MGC hires Cascadia Architecture and BoForm to design the site layout and building scheme. Extensive consultation begins with neighbours and other affected homeowners.
Broad View United officially moves out of the Arbutus property on August 15th, 2023 and the property is now leased to the ArtsCalibre Academy.

Guiding Principles
Below are the key principles we have initially established as a project team to help guide our application and site planning process.
1.Create Contextual and Sensitive Neighbourhood Infill
4. Provide Standard-Setting Architecture and Housing
2.Build Appropriate Homes for People
3. Natural Landscape and Site Planning Excellence
5. Create Positive Outdoor and Indoor Institutional Space

Property Context
The Broad View United property is located mid-block along Arbutus Road in Cadboro Bay, BC. It is approximately a 69,000 sq.ft. single-lot property, surrounded by single-family residential homes on all sides.
2625 Current Zoning: P1 Assembly
Surrounding Property Zoning: RS-8 & RS-10 Single Family
Local Area Plan Designation: Cadboro Bay Village, Mixed-Use Institutional
2625 Proposed Zoning: Comprehensive Development: Multi-Family and Attached Housing Residential
Planning Context
Housing S.5.2 of the Cadboro Bay Draft Local Area Plan (p. 60)
The Plan supports a vibrant Village Centre by locating multi-unit housing in and near the Village Centre. This approach is consistent with the direction of the Saanich Official Community Plan (OCP) that encourages a range of housing types to address community housing needs and support Villages and Centres as more complete communities. The Plan also envisions new infill housing formats that would be sympathetic to the single-detached residential character of the Village Neighbourhood.
The Village Neighbourhood Policies (p.65)
5.4.1 Support mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented developments in the Village Centre that broaden the range of housing options, shops and services.
5.4.2 Encourage a variety of housing formats, consistent with the land use map.
5.4 depending on the site size and location relative to the Village Centre, transit, community amenities and services.
5.4.3 In areas designated as Village Residential Infill... Support a range of ground- oriented housing types including secondary suites, garden suites, houseplexes and other innovative housing forms suitable to the neighbourhood character.
5.4.5 Support new housing that integrates with the surrounding context, including through considering of compatibility with front yard setback, materials, scale of buildings, and colours.

Mixed-Use Institutional
The Subject Property is designated Mixed-Use Institutional under the District of Saanich Official Community Plan (2024). This designation envisions a mix of housing, outdoor amenity space and institutional-designated uses. Below are policies from this section of the Official Community Plan which our application has worked to address:
7.5.1 Review development applications for institutions considering such factors as: intended use, servicing, multimodal access, integration of active transportation into site design.
7.5.2 Encourage institutional land owners to preserve on-site open space and make it publicly accessible where possible.
7.5.3 Support the long-term, continued viability and changing needs of institutional sites by considering the redevelopment and intensification of institutional sites within the Urban Containment Boundary by institutional property owners.
7.5.4 In cases where redevelopment is being considered on institutional land:
Prioritize the retention of ownership of the property as institutional or non-profit, including through supporting partnerships and incentives;
Where institutional land, up to one hectare in size, is sold and proposed for a use other than institutional or non-market housing, do not support a change in use and OCP amendment unless the applicant provides a community benefit on the site (in addition to an Amenity Cost Charge/Community Amenity Contribution).
Proposal Summary
On October 12th, 2023 Mike Geric Construction hosted an open house presentation at the Broad View United property. We had over 100 attendees and received over 80 feedback form responses. The slides below are from that evenings power point presentation. In the event we have an open house or follow-up meeting to update our application, we will provide you with the updated slides. Please review this presentation and provide your feedback below.
If you are having difficulty viewing the presentation, please click on the presentation box (below) and it will expand to fit your screen.
Public Engagement
Neighbourhood and stakeholder engagement is critical to our success. We have developed a comprehensive consultation strategy and it has been utilized to inform our current application. If you are a neighbour and would like to have the opportunity to discuss our application or share you feedback, please be in touch today!
Door Knock Immediate Neighbours
Introductory discussions with immediate neighbours from June - July, 2023.
Royal Oak Project Tours
Walking tours with neighbours interested in viewing existing Mike Geric Construction developments within the Royal Oak neighbourhood.
July 12th Open House
Drop-in open house at the Church gymnasium. Over 140 participants and 90 feedback forms collected.
Discussions with the Community Association
Ongoing discussions with representatives from the Cadboro Bay Residents Association.
One-on-one with Immediate Neighbours
On-site meetings with immediate neighbours to discuss, height, overlook, setbacks and landscaping.
October 12th Open House
Neighbourhood open house to share the proposed development plan. Over 100 neighbours attended and received over 80 feedback forms.
We will update this website with any additional neighbourhood engagement opportunities.
2625 Arbutus Road
Saanich, BC V8N 1W4
Phone: 250-514-8429
Email: niall@gericconstruction.com